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Weekly Options Results Updated - as of July 21, 2024. Check them out!
July 21, 2024

Weekly Options Results Updated
July 21, 2024

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106% Profit On Tesla
– Stock Continues To Move Higher! -

Entered the TSLA Weekly Options (CALL) Trade on Friday, July 05, 2024 for $7.90.

Sold half the TSLA Weekly options contracts on Tuesday, July 09, 2024 for $16.30; a potential profit of 106%.

Holding remaining contracts for further profit.

244% Profit On SentinelOne
-The Stock That Provides Protection!-

Entered the S Weekly Options (CALL) Trade on Monday, June 17, 2024 for $0.80.

Sold half the S Weekly options contracts on Monday, July 01, 2024 for $2.75; a potential profit of 244%.

Best of Trading,
Ian Harvey
Weekly Options USA

Plan your exit strategy before you enter a trade, because once you are in a trade, your emotions may cloud your judgment.

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